Abyssal Secrets
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From the people
From the people
N. K"Reading was right on the money, Elkira is always very lovely to get my readings from."
From the people
V."Helped me clear my evil eye- definitely went through the motions of clearing, thank you for doing it on time and keeping me updated"
From the people
Joella Morse"Love it!
I like how it was safely wrapped and she even put who it is. Plus I even got a message from my Deity.☺️ It was a lot in there as well.I love my box and would definitely would recommend buying from her again. ❤️😊"
From the people
S."The amount of detail and work put into this reading was incredible! Definitely worth the price."
From the people
A.S"Highly recommended!
Reading was quick and resonates very well"
From the people
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